Author: lgppen

Maitreya, the Present and Future Love Buddha

The name Maitreya in Sanskrit, or Jampa in Tibetan, means the Buddha of Love who helps us to realise our true human nature, our Buddha- nature. Maitreya is presently the regent of Shakyamuni Buddha,...

Seven Eyes White Tara Sadhana

Tara is a female buddha or enlightened being who awakens the energies of fearlessness and enlightened action within us. There are many forms of Tara the Liberator, all of which have specific healing powers....

White Zambhala and the Four Dakinis

Non disponibile This sadhana was brought to Tibet by the great Indian master Atisha, who translated it together with Nagto Lotsawa – the Black Life Translator. Since then it has been practiced in the...

Vajrayogini, the Sky Dance of Great Bliss

Not available Buddha emanated Vajrayogini, a special female enlightened being, 2500 years ago. She is the female counterpart of Heruka, the Lord of the Heroes, and she teaches us how to attain enlightenment through...


  Ushnishavijaya (Tsug tor nam par gyal ma in Tibetan or Namgyalma in its commonly used form) is a special emanation of Supreme Healer Vairochana and is one of the three main long life...